Wringin Branjang Temple at the foot of Mount Gedang Blitar candi-wringin-branjang-blitar Candi and Gunung, both are inseparable parts. The peak of the mountain is imaged as the residence of the gods, while the temple is a holy place to worship the gods. Both are harmonized for one purpose, namely to get closer to the creator. Wringin Branjang Temple in Gadungan Village, Gandusari, Kab. Blitar is one of the temples that are inseparable from the mountain. It is located at the foot of Mount Gedang which is still included in the series of Mount Kelud. Linkage of Wringin Branjang Temple with mountain is quite unique. This can be seen directly from the orientation towards the temple. Generally temple buildings face east or west, but Wringin Branjang Temple faces south. This means that the temple located in the wilderness of Mount Gedang is oriented to the summit of Mount Kelud which is in the north. In the wilderness of Mount Gedang, Wringin Branjang Temple is not alone