Tiban, a unique tradition of asking for rain with whip fighting. Usually this tiban tradition was held by Blitar residents during a prolonged dry season. Tiban tradition is used as a ritual asking for rain that has been handed down for generations. This tradition of tiban is rather challenging, because it is carried out by two players who are fighting each other whip using a woven stick. This tradition is followed by shirtless men from young to old. Each player only has the chance to whip opponents three times in turn. This tradition of tiban is accompanied by the Javanese gamelan music. But don’t worry, like a match, this tiban tradition is led by a referee and supervised by the local police. To avoid harm, players may not whip their heads and genitals. This tradition of asking for rain with whip fighting was carried out on the stage provided with a size of 6 x 6 meters and a height of two meters. Many residents believe that the more scratches and blood discharges in the player